Notices eProcurement System Government of India
Search Criteria I
Tender Status# Keyword#
From Date  Click on icon to choose a date/time value. To Date  Click on icon to choose a date/time value.
Form of Contract Tender Category
Tender Type Product Category
Search Criteria II
Organisation# Tender Ref.No #
Department Published From  Click on icon to choose a date/time value.
Division Published To  Click on icon to choose a date/time value.
Sub Division Keyword
Search Criteria III
Tender ID *
Enter Captcha *    
Tender status finds search with only one criteria at a time, either I , II or III in the order of precedence even if more than one criteria is used for search. Tender ID finds exact match for Search Criteria III. Fields marked as * are mandatory for respective Search Criteria. # - In Search criteria I, either Tender status or Keyword is mandatory. In criteria II, either Organisation Name or Tender Reference Number is mandatory.
Provide Captcha and click on Search button to list By Tender Status.
Visitor No:29605916
Contents owned and maintained by concerned Departments in coordination with Finance Department and Information Technology Department, Government of India