Notices eProcurement System Government of India
S.No e-Published Date Closing Date Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1 16-Sep-2024 05:30 PM 23-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 24-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [SDL-201-PR-10025898] [SDL-201-PR-10025898][2024_ARAI_826311_1] Automotive Research Association of India
2 05-Sep-2024 06:00 PM 03-Oct-2024 03:00 PM 04-Oct-2024 03:00 PM [Procurement of Machine In-loop test facility for E-Powertrain] [HTC-AED-188-PR-60003608][2024_ARAI_824716_1] Automotive Research Association of India
3 05-Sep-2024 05:35 PM 27-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 30-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Electrical Installation and Allied works for CYLINDER TESTING FACILITY at ARAI] [HTC-ID-178-PR-60003721][2024_ARAI_824299_1] Automotive Research Association of India
4 05-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 27-Sep-2024 04:00 PM [Procurement of Off Board High-Speed cameras with accessories] [HTC-PSL-187-PR-60003728][2024_ARAI_824689_1] Automotive Research Association of India
5 05-Sep-2024 01:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 01:00 PM 27-Sep-2024 02:00 PM [Supply , installation and commissioning of 2 Dyno test rigs with accessories] [TGTC-185-PR-TGTC-Dyno][2024_ARAI_824616_1] Automotive Research Association of India
6 04-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 25-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 04:00 PM [Procurement of 8 channel digital servo hydraulic controller for New Seat Belt Anchorage Test] [SDL-182-PR-60003767][2024_ARAI_824430_1] Automotive Research Association of India
7 04-Sep-2024 11:30 AM 25-Sep-2024 02:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [procurement of pedestrain child and adult head form] [HTC-PSL-179-PR-60003749][2024_ARAI_824345_1] Automotive Research Association of India
8 03-Sep-2024 01:00 PM 24-Sep-2024 01:00 PM 25-Sep-2024 01:00 PM [Supply and installation of 6 station retractor durability machine] [PSL-177-PR-60003737][2024_ARAI_824183_1] Automotive Research Association of India
9 30-Aug-2024 12:00 PM 25-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 28-Sep-2024 04:00 PM [HTC PSL-168-PR-20011250] [HTC PSL-168-PR-20011250][2024_ARAI_823536_1] Automotive Research Association of India
10 26-Aug-2024 01:00 PM 25-Sep-2024 03:00 PM 26-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [Procurement of Physical Camera Interface Real-time emulation system] [FID-DTL-162-PR-60003762][2024_ARAI_822879_1] Automotive Research Association of India
11 22-Aug-2024 01:10 PM 23-Sep-2024 02:00 PM 24-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [Grid connected Solar Power Plant ] [ARAI-SOLAR-153-2425][2024_ARAI_822386_1] Automotive Research Association of India
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