Notices ePublishing System, Government of India
  Tenders/Auctions Closing Today
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S.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1. 13-Aug-2024 01:00 PM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 11:00 AM [FOURIER TRANSFORM INFRARED (FTIR) SPECTROMETER] [NII/GTE/EQP/SP/SSS/AUG/2024-25][2024_MST_767849_1] Department of Biotechnology||National Institute of Immunology
2. 22-Aug-2024 01:00 PM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 11-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Replacement of Under Ground Fire Water Line Phase III Part 1 2 and Phase IV] [NFL/PT/CIVIL/O/24/1167][2024_MCF_768828_1] Department of Fertilisers||National Fertilisers Limited
3. 13-Aug-2024 02:00 PM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 11:00 AM [PARALLEL SOLID PHASE PEPTIDE SYNTHESIZER] [NII/GTE/EQP/SP/CL/AUG/2024-25][2024_MST_767852_1] Department of Biotechnology||National Institute of Immunology
4. 29-Aug-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:10 AM [AS PER ENQUIRY] [LPR/MCO/TL/DRWO//0012/621][2024_IHQA_769545_1] IHQ of MoD (Army)||UB AREA||MEERUT SUB AREA
5. 04-Sep-2024 09:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 11:00 AM [Repair and maintenance of staff quarters and division office under SHD, CWC Shimla] [SHD/CWC/340/2024-25/753-56][2024_CWC_770319_1] Central Water Commission
6. 30-Aug-2024 06:00 PM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:30 AM [Catering Service for 10th Convocation at NIT GOA] [NITGOA/CONV 2024/PUR/OW/349][2024_NITG_769903_1] National Institute of Technology Goa
7. 04-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:30 AM [TENDER FOR NON-COMPREHENSIVE AMC FOR TDACS AT 6.5 M THERMOVACUUM FACILITY] [URSC/CE/IS202400096601][2024_ISRO_770339_1] Indian Space Research Organisation||UR Rao Satellite Centre Bengaluru
8. 06-Sep-2024 06:30 PM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:30 AM [CALIBRATION OF PAMAS PARTICLE COUNTER ON PAC BASIS] [24-25/414AFS/RP/TDR/000002 DATED 29 AUG 24][2024_IAF_770851_1] Indian Air Force||VCAS||HQ TRAINING COMMAND||AF STN YELAHANKA, BANGALORE
9. 22-Aug-2024 04:35 PM 10-Sep-2024 10:00 AM 10-Sep-2024 10:30 AM [Spares For EOT Cranes] [URSC/GE/IS202400076101][2024_ISRO_768913_1] Indian Space Research Organisation||UR Rao Satellite Centre Bengaluru
10. 21-Aug-2024 03:30 PM 10-Sep-2024 10:30 AM 12-Sep-2024 10:45 AM [Renovation of Ground and First floor Ladies and Gents staff toilets at DCS building and 3rd phase work of Renovation of SLP SLS building toilet Ground floor public AIISH main campus] [Renovation of Ground and First floor Ladies and Ge][2024_AIISM_768752_1] All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore
Visitor No:1446827
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