Notices ePublishing System, Government of India
  Tenders/Auctions Closing Today
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S.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title and Ref.No./Tender ID Organisation Chain
1. 23-Aug-2024 06:55 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 05:00 PM [Belt Weigh Feeder] [11.51.Q7P1/ Belt Weigh Feeder/ 058R ][2024_MECON_769096_1] MECON Limited||MECON-Corporate Head Quarters||Contracts-MECON-HQ
2. 04-Sep-2024 11:00 AM 11-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:30 PM [TENDER FOR CIVIL WORK AT UNION BANK OF INDIA REGIONAL OFFICE UDUPI] [CIVILWORKCONMFERENCEHALL78500][2024_UBoI_770299_1] Union Bank of India||Regional office Manglore-UBoI
3. 21-Aug-2024 04:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:30 PM [Supply of diodes, LEDs and transistor] [GEM/2024/B/5312305][2024_ITI_768763_1] ITI Limited||Bangalore Plant
4. 28-Aug-2024 03:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:30 PM [ACCESSORIES IN CONTAINER ASSY FOR AK203] [GEM/2024/B/5335975][2024_DoDP_769488_1] Department of Defence Production||Ordnance Factory Board||Small Arms Factory, Kanpur
5. 04-Sep-2024 11:00 AM 11-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:30 PM [ELECTRICITY WORK AT UNION BANK OF INDIA REGIONAL OFFICE CONFERENECE HALL] [CONFERENCE HALL ELEC78500][2024_UBoI_770294_2] Union Bank of India||Regional office Manglore-UBoI
6. 22-Aug-2024 11:15 AM 11-Sep-2024 04:00 PM 11-Sep-2024 05:00 PM [Tender for installation of On-Grid Roof Top Solar Power Plant at Regional Office Tirupathi and Padmavathi Nagar Branch] [ROTPT/SOLAR/2024-25/1][2024_UBoI_768827_1] Union Bank of India||Central Office-UBoI
7. 31-Aug-2024 12:50 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:30 PM 12-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Supply of Integrated receiver cum decoder] [MC202400004701][2024_DoS_769969_1] Department of Space||Master Control Facility
8. 31-Aug-2024 12:40 PM 11-Sep-2024 04:30 PM 12-Sep-2024 10:00 AM [Supply and Installation of tower workstations with display monitor] [MC202300016101][2024_DoS_769966_1] Department of Space||Master Control Facility
9. 21-Aug-2024 11:15 AM 11-Sep-2024 04:45 PM 13-Sep-2024 10:45 AM [Exploratory drilling, driving and reaming of Nx size drill holes with Diamond core drilling machine using Double Tube/Triple Tube core barrel at Underground Power House Location of West Seti H.E. Project, Distt-Doti, Sudur Paschim Province, Nepal] [NHPC_WS-09/2024][2024_NHPC_767904_1] NHPC Limited||NHPC-Corporate Office, Faridabad
10. 04-Sep-2024 09:00 AM 11-Sep-2024 05:00 PM 12-Sep-2024 03:00 PM [Furniture tendering] [2024_MEA_766088_1][2024_MEA_770335_1] Ministry of External Affairs||MEA-AMS (Americas) Division
Visitor No:1446827
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