Notices ePublishing System, Government of India
The Central Public Procurement Portal of Government of India facilitates all the Central Government Organisations to publish their Tender Enquiries, Corrigenda and Award of Contract details. The system also enables users to migrate to total electronic procurement mode.
Latest Tenders  
Tender Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. FBM/TW/24/13 FBM/TW/24/13 24-Jan-2025 01:15 PM 24-Jan-2025 02:00 PM
2. BR/IHB-DHAR/71129/ SITE/CEMENT/NIT/09 BR/IHB-DHAR/71129/ SITE/CEMENT/NIT/09 24-Jan-2025 06:55 PM 25-Jan-2025 06:55 PM
3. Procurement of Lab Equipment CDFD/PUR/2024-25/IND22136 11-Feb-2025 03:30 PM 11-Feb-2025 04:00 PM
4. COUPLER VALVE LPR/CES/NIV/NS/RFC/124/96 22-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 22-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
5. COUPLING FEMALE BIG LPR/CES/NIV/NS/RFC/131/97 22-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 22-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
6. Requirement of section In-charge room, Record room, Store room at Secondary level Crushing Plant, DIOM CE/W/1/(935)/2023 24-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 24-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
7. EARTHING STRAP LPR/MCO/RFC/CL-A/32/91 23-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 23-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
8. Enquiry for testing of Pressure Vessels and lifting tackles of 3x105 MW, THPS-I,Sirmour, BHPS-II,Silpara, BHPS-III, Deolond and BHPS-IV Jhinna. 91-84/PNW/W/2226 20-Jan-2025 03:30 PM 20-Jan-2025 04:00 PM
9. CON/ICDDER/REFPAK/O and M/24-25 CON/ICDDER/REFPAK/O and M/24-25 07-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 07-Feb-2025 12:00 PM
10. AVR LPR/CES/WLR/NS/NIV/117/89 23-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 23-Jan-2025 03:15 PM
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Latest Corrigendums
Corrigendum Title Reference No Closing Date Bid Opening Date
1. Extension of Last Date and Time of Submission of Bid NSTFDC/MIS/2024 30-Jan-2025 06:00 PM 31-Jan-2025 03:00 PM
2. Addendum Corrigendum No 2 T1/T-2041/2024-C 20-Jan-2025 02:30 PM 20-Jan-2025 03:00 PM
3. Corrigendum - 4 BANDR/COIT/40089/NIT/ CIVIL/PAVEMENT 20-Jan-2025 06:55 PM 21-Jan-2025 06:55 PM
4. Corrigendum I 610001987 27-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 27-Jan-2025 04:00 PM
5. Corrigendum - 1 BANDR/51110/TD/RAW MATERIAL/2 18-Jan-2025 06:55 PM 20-Jan-2025 06:55 PM
6. Due date extended till 29.01.2025 RFX 6100001989 29-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 29-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
7. Corrigendum-RFP for Empanelment of Management Consultant RFP No. NCGTC/2024-25/MC/001 dated January 15,2025 21-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 21-Jan-2025 04:00 PM
8. corrigendum-6 RailTel/OT/CO/RW/2024-25/ IT-MSP/003 Dated07 31-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 31-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
9. CORRIGENDUM No.1 Dated 17.01.2025 GEM/2025/B/5791561 25-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 25-Jan-2025 03:30 PM
10. 14-VIII/AKS(23-GTE)24PB-T-180 14-VIII/AKS(23-GTE)24PB/T-180 02-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 03-Feb-2025 03:00 PM
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