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Total Tenders : 287
Sl.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title/Ref.No./Tender Id Organisation Name Corrigendum
111. 31-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 27-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 28-Feb-2025 11:00 AM Upright Trinocular Research Fluorescence Microscope/35-PC-10-P-24/2025_CSIR_225351_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --
112. 31-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 12-Mar-2025 04:00 PM 13-Mar-2025 04:30 PM Hiring of Service Provider for Operation of Additional Supply Base at Gujarat Pipavav Port Limited for a period of 5 years/ZW5AC25001/2025_ONGC_225373_1 Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited --
113. 31-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 24-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 25-Feb-2025 03:00 PM Fully Automated Clinical chemistry analyzer Standalone or integrated with Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay analyzer (ECLIA) or other immunoassay system with UPS backup/28/SO/NDDTC/2024-25/St/2025_AIMSD_847024_1 All India Institute of Medical Science-New Delhi --
114. 31-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 20-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 21-Feb-2025 11:00 AM Supply of Resins/IND/319/CH/2024/2025_CSIR_225348_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --
115. 31-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 20-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 21-Feb-2025 11:00 AM Supply of AG Resin/IND/329/CH/2024/2025_CSIR_225367_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --
116. 30-Jan-2025 06:50 PM 17-Feb-2025 12:00 PM 18-Feb-2025 12:00 PM Advanced USG Machine with shear Wave Elastography and Contrast Enhancement/Global Tender Enquiry Notice No. PI(EP)/24-25/G/07/03/2025_PGIME_846256_1 Postgraduate Institute of Medical and Education and Research Chandigarh --
117. 30-Jan-2025 06:30 PM 20-Feb-2025 02:30 PM 21-Feb-2025 02:30 PM Supply and Installation of High Performance Chromatography including thin layer UHPLC to be coupled with Mass Spectrometry/1722/200924/1355/EQPT/2025_CSIR_225315_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --
118. 30-Jan-2025 06:00 PM 26-Feb-2025 02:00 PM 26-Feb-2025 03:00 PM FLUORESCENCE SPECTROPHOTOMETER/IIP/PUR/1/24-25/200094/FS/2025_CSIR_787205_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --
119. 30-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 13-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 14-Feb-2025 11:00 AM Supply installation and commissioning of Microplate Reader Microplate Spectrophotometer/AMPRI/PUR/EQP/64/2024-25/2025_CSIR_225288_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --
120. 30-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 27-Feb-2025 03:30 PM 28-Feb-2025 03:30 PM PORTABLE 8-CHANNEL FIBER BRAGG GRATING INTERROGATOR FOR FIELD APPLICATION WITH DATA ACQUISITION SOFTWARE/P/NC/57/PB/TT/24-25/2025_CSIR_225298_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --