Debarment Revocation List

S.No Name of Agency Debarred by - Organisation Name Debarment Start Date Debarment End Date Revocated Date Reason for Revocation
1 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 31-May-2021 29-May-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
2 M/S TULSI CONSTRUCTION Indian Oil Corporation Limited 26-Oct-2019 05-Mar-2021 18-Dec-2019 Revoked as per the new Debarment Order-UPSO-I/ENG/PT-72/2018-19 upto 11.12.2022
3 GANPAT STEEL Indian Oil Corporation Limited 05-Nov-2019 20-Sep-2022 19-Dec-2020 Appellate Authority has decided to condone remaining period of Holiday listing of the Appellant, M/s Ganpat Steel, with effect from the date of this order.
4 M/S TULSI CONSTRUCTION Indian Oil Corporation Limited 18-Dec-2019 11-Dec-2022 21-Jan-2020 Revoked as per the new Debarment Order-UPSO-I/ENG/PT-72/2018-19 upto 11.12.2022
5 SHASHI BALA INDUSTRIES Indian Oil Corporation Limited 05-Nov-2019 02-Sep-2022 29-Jun-2020 For extending Holiday Listing period up to 11.06.2023, as per approval of ED (AOD) and Refinery Head dated 12.06.2020
6 PABSTA ENGINEERS INDIA LIMITED Indian Oil Corporation Limited 19-Nov-2019 07-Nov-2022 05-Dec-2019 Request recd from Mr A K Saha, DGM(Contracts)/RCC/ERO vide Mail dtd 05/12/2019 - App accorded by ED(RS)/ER Ref RCC/ERO/37/2019-20/PT-31/05 Dtd 02/12/2019
7 PABSTA Engineers India Limited Indian Oil Corporation Limited 19-Nov-2019 07-Nov-2022 05-Dec-2019 Request recd from Mr A K Saha, DGM(Contracts)/RCC/ERO vide Mail dtd 05/12/2019 - App accorded by ED(RS)/ER Ref RCC/ERO/37/2019-20/PT-31/05 Dtd 02/12/2019
8 Shiv Pharmaceuticals Indian Oil Corporation Limited 16-Dec-2019 15-Dec-2022 03-Feb-2020 Courts stay order
9 Archon Powerinfra India Pvt. Ltd. Indian Oil Corporation Limited 26-Nov-2019 20-Nov-2022 06-Nov-2019 Revoking the Blacklisting of vendor M/s Archon Powerinfra India Pvt. Ltd. in view of Calcutta High Court Order dt. 30.1.2019
11 ANIL CHANDRA ROY Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,LAKHANPUR AREA,LKP_CIVIL,CIVIL 06-Jul-2021 29-Jun-2023 20-Sep-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
12 ANIL CHANDRA ROY Mahanadi Coalfields Limited||LAKHANPUR AREA||LKP_CIVIL||CIVIL 02-Sep-2021 08-Aug-2023 20-Sep-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
13 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,ORIENT AREA,ORIEN_MINING,MINING 03-Mar-2021 03-Mar-2022 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
14 KRISHNA CHANDRA DHAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 12-Apr-2021 09-Apr-2023 26-Apr-2021 penal action shall be taken at a later date after approval of competent authority
15 siddhartha sengupta Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,BASUNDHARA GARJANBAHAL AREA,BG_E AND M 10-Jun-2021 10-Jun-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
17 TELMART INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,HQ CIVIL,CIVIL 27-Oct-2021 26-Oct-2023 04-Jun-2022 Imposition of fresh debarment, vide Letter Nos.MCL/GM(HA)/SO(C)/Banning/2022/433, Dtd.03/06/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Hingula Area, MCL
18 TELMART INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,HQ CIVIL,CIVIL 27-Oct-2021 26-Oct-2023 04-Jun-2022 Imposition of fresh debarment, vide Letter Nos.MCL/GM(HA)/SO(C)/Banning/2022/433, Dtd.03/06/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Hingula Area, MCL
19 KRISHNA CHANDRA DHAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 12-Apr-2021 09-Apr-2023 26-Apr-2021 penal action shall be taken at a later date after approval of competent authority
20 ANIL CHANDRA ROY Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,LAKHANPUR AREA,LKP_CIVIL,CIVIL 01-Jul-2021 30-Jun-2023 20-Sep-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
23 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 09-Sep-2021 06-Sep-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
24 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 29-Jul-2021 06-Jul-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
25 PRODYUT KR MUKHERJEE Indian Oil Corporation Limited 23-Dec-2019 22-Dec-2022 12-Feb-2020 bidder has been debarred against Organization WHICH SHOULD BE AGAINST PORTAL AS PER TENDER RULES AND MAIL DATED 12.02.2020 FROM COIS TENDER TEAM
26 Joy Global (India) Ltd. Coal India Limited 18-Aug-2021 11-Aug-2023 18-Nov-2021 The banning order will not be applicable for supply of spares and consumables and rendering associated services in respect of the existing P and H make ER Shovels operating in CIL and its subsidiaries.
27 ANIL CHANDRA ROY Mahanadi Coalfields Limited||LAKHANPUR AREA||LKP_CIVIL||CIVIL 29-Jul-2021 09-Jul-2023 20-Sep-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
28 ANIL CHANDRA ROY Mahanadi Coalfields Limited||LAKHANPUR AREA||LKP_CIVIL||CIVIL 02-Sep-2021 08-Aug-2023 20-Sep-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
29 siddhartha sengupta Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,ORIENT AREA,ORIEN_MINING,MINING 11-May-2021 10-May-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
30 SIDDHARTHA SENGUPTA Northern Coalfields Limited||Dudichua Project 27-Jul-2021 25-Jul-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
31 SIDDHARTHA SENGUPTA Northern Coalfields Limited||Dudichua Project 02-Sep-2021 18-Aug-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
32 SIDDHARTHA SENGUPTA Northern Coalfields Limited||Dudichua Project 02-Sep-2021 18-Aug-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
33 TELMART INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 15-Dec-2021 12-Dec-2023 04-Jun-2022 Imposition of fresh debarment, vide Letter Nos.MCL/GM(HA)/SO(C)/Banning/2022/433, Dtd.03/06/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Hingula Area, MCL
34 JOY GLOBAL (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Coal India Limited 18-Aug-2021 11-Aug-2023 18-Nov-2021 The banning order will not be applicable for supply of spares and consumables and rendering associated services in respect of the existing P and H make ER Shovels operating in CIL and its subsidiaries.
35 Allied Infrastructures And Projects Private Limited Coal India Limited 28-Apr-2021 19-Apr-2023 13-Nov-2021 As per the order reference no Ref No. ECL/DT(OP)2021/2441 Date 25.08.2021
36 JOY GLOBAL (INDIA) PRIVATE LIMITED Coal India Limited 18-Aug-2021 11-Aug-2023 18-Nov-2021 The banning order will not be applicable for supply of spares and consumables and rendering associated services in respect of the existing P and H make ER Shovels operating in CIL and its subsidiaries.
38 M/S RIYAZUDDIN ANSARI Coal India Limited 30-Nov-2021 29-Nov-2022 26-Nov-2021 Need to modify The banning period
40 SAI RADHAKRISHNA CONSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 20-Dec-2021 18-Dec-2023 07-Apr-2022 Extension of Debarment period, vide fresh debarment letter No.MCL/GM/BA/Civil/21-22/1590, Dtd.31/03/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Basundhara Area, MCL
41 SAI RADHAKRISHNA CONSTRUCTION & INSTALLATION Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 20-Dec-2021 18-Dec-2023 07-Apr-2022 Extension of Debarment period, vide fresh debarment letter No.MCL/GM/BA/Civil/21-22/1590, Dtd.31/03/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Basundhara Area, MCL
42 ROYAL TRAVELS Coal India Limited 09-Aug-2021 28-Jul-2023 20-Sep-2021 Stay Order Received from Competent Authority
43 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 09-Sep-2021 06-Sep-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
44 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 02-Sep-2021 18-Aug-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
45 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 02-Sep-2021 18-Aug-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
46 ANIL CHANDRA ROY Mahanadi Coalfields Limited||LAKHANPUR AREA||LKP_CIVIL||CIVIL 29-Jul-2021 09-Jul-2023 20-Sep-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
47 DULALI KARMAKAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 02-Sep-2021 13-Aug-2023 08-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
48 ROYAL TRAVELS Coal India Limited 09-Aug-2021 28-Jul-2023 20-Sep-2021 Stay Order Received from Competent Authority
49 DULALI KARMAKAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 08-Jul-2021 30-Jun-2023 02-Sep-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
50 DULALI KARMAKAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 08-Jul-2021 30-Jun-2023 02-Sep-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
51 KUSHAL PATEL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 27-Jul-2021 25-Jul-2023 02-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
52 DURGA ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 27-May-2021 26-May-2023 19-May-2022 As per Letter No.GM(JA)/SO(E and M)/General/2022-23/416, Dtd.18/05/2022 of Staff Officer(E and M), Jagannath Area, MCL
53 Joy Global (India) Limited Coal India Limited 18-Aug-2021 11-Aug-2023 18-Nov-2021 The banning order will not be applicable for supply of spares and consumables and rendering associated services in respect of the existing P and H make ER Shovels operating in CIL and its subsidiaries.
54 PEE INDUSTRIAL VALVES PVT. LTD. Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 20-Nov-2019 19-Nov-2020 02-May-2024 Revoked by CA
55 Suncity Enterprises Coal India Limited 24-Dec-2021 21-Dec-2023 15-Mar-2022 As per the request of competent Authority
56 Suncity Enterprises Coal India Limited 24-Dec-2021 21-Dec-2023 15-Mar-2022 As per the request of competent Authority
57 M/S ANIL PRASAD SONI Coal India Limited 07-Sep-2021 05-Sep-2023 07-Sep-2021 Wrong dates entered
58 M/S ANIL PRASAD SONI Coal India Limited 07-Sep-2021 05-Aug-2023 07-Sep-2021 Wrong dates entered
59 TELMART INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 15-Dec-2021 12-Dec-2023 04-Jun-2022 Imposition of fresh debarment, vide Letter Nos.MCL/GM(HA)/SO(C)/Banning/2022/433, Dtd.03/06/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Hingula Area, MCL
60 M/s AU-DARCL (JV) Western Coalfields Limited 09-Dec-2021 07-Dec-2023 14-Jan-2022 The debarment/ blacklisting issued by WCL vide order dated 07.12.2021 has been revoked/withdrawn on 15.01.2022 by virtue of the order of Honble High Court dated 14.01.2022 in Writ petition bearing no.5554 of 2021
61 DURGA ELECTRICALSAND ELECTRONICS Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 27-May-2021 26-May-2023 19-May-2022 As per Letter No.GM(JA)/SO(E and M)/General/2022-23/416, Dtd.18/05/2022 of Staff Officer(E and M), Jagannath Area, MCL
62 KUSHAL PATEL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 05-Jun-2021 03-Jun-2023 02-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
63 DULALI KARMAKAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 16-Mar-2021 14-Mar-2023 08-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
64 DULALI KARMAKAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 16-Mar-2021 14-Mar-2023 08-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
65 DULALI KARMAKAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 02-Sep-2021 13-Aug-2023 08-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
66 KUSHAL PATEL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 05-Jun-2021 03-Jun-2023 02-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
67 DURGA ELECTRICALSAND ELECTRONICS Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 27-May-2021 26-May-2023 19-May-2022 As per Letter No.GM(JA)/SO(E and M)/General/2022-23/416, Dtd.18/05/2022 of Staff Officer(E and M), Jagannath Area, MCL
68 KRISHNA CHANDRA DHAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 31-May-2021 31-May-2023 26-Apr-2021 penal action shall be taken at a later date after approval of competent authority
69 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 31-May-2021 29-May-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
70 International Commercial Industries Coal India Limited 30-Jul-2021 14-May-2023 02-Aug-2021 Withholding penalty imposition and visit of technical team to work
71 Archon Powerinfra India Pvt. Ltd. Indian Oil Corporation Limited 26-Oct-2019 15-Sep-2022 06-Nov-2019 Revoking the Blacklisting of vendor M/s Archon Powerinfra India Pvt. Ltd. in view of Calcutta High Court Order dt. 30.1.2019
74 SIDDHARTHA SENGUPTA Northern Coalfields Limited||Dudichua Project 27-Jul-2021 25-Jul-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
75 siddhartha sengupta Northern Coalfields Limited||Dudichua Project 02-Sep-2021 18-Aug-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
76 M/S TULSI CONSTRUCTION Indian Oil Corporation Limited 26-Oct-2019 05-Mar-2021 18-Dec-2019 Revoked as per the new Debarment Order-UPSO-I/ENG/PT-72/2018-19 upto 11.12.2022
77 KUSHAL PATEL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 27-Jul-2021 25-Jul-2023 02-Jul-2021 Revoked to extend the debarment period
78 Magnate marine and engineering services Indian Oil Corporation Limited 03-Dec-2019 25-Nov-2022 03-Dec-2019 Debarment type has been selected as organisation instead of against portal
79 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,ORIENT AREA,ORIEN_MINING,MINING 03-Mar-2021 03-Mar-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
80 Magnate marine and engineering services Indian Oil Corporation Limited 03-Dec-2019 25-Nov-2022 03-Dec-2019 Debarment type has been selected as organisation instead of against portal
81 Shiv Pharmaceuticals Indian Oil Corporation Limited 16-Dec-2019 15-Dec-2022 03-Feb-2020 Courts stay order
82 ayush sharma Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 29-Jul-2021 06-Jul-2023 29-Jul-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
83 COASTAL MARINE CONST. & ENGG. LTD Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited 03-Nov-2021 02-Nov-2024 02-Nov-2022 Appellate Authority has decided to reduce period of Holiday listing of the Appellant on compassionate to one year
84 M/s Naik Construction Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,ORIENT AREA,ORIEN_MINING,MINING 07-Sep-2021 07-Sep-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
85 M/S RIYAZUDDIN ANSARI Coal India Limited 30-Nov-2021 29-Oct-2022 26-Nov-2021 Need to modify The banning period
86 Compulinks Indian Oil Corporation Limited 26-Nov-2019 14-Mar-2023 05-Feb-2020 Republish Debarment Type as Against portal
87 COMPULINKS Indian Oil Corporation Limited 26-Nov-2019 14-Mar-2023 05-Feb-2020 Republish Debarment Type as Against portal
88 CJ Darcl Logistics Limited Western Coalfields Limited 09-Dec-2021 07-Dec-2023 14-Jan-2022 The debarment/ blacklisting issued by WCL vide order dated 07.12.2021 has been revoked/withdrawn on 15.01.2022 by virtue of the order of Honble High Court dated 14.01.2022 in Writ petition bearing no.5554 of 2021
89 CJ DARCL Logistics Limited Western Coalfields Limited 09-Dec-2021 07-Dec-2023 14-Jan-2022 The debarment/ blacklisting issued by WCL vide order dated 07.12.2021 has been revoked/withdrawn on 15.01.2022 by virtue of the order of Honble High Court dated 14.01.2022 in Writ petition bearing no.5554 of 2021
90 Darcl Logistics Ltd. Western Coalfields Limited 09-Dec-2021 07-Dec-2023 14-Jan-2022 The debarment/ blacklisting issued by WCL vide order dated 07.12.2021 has been revoked/withdrawn on 15.01.2022 by virtue of the order of Honble High Court dated 14.01.2022 in Writ petition bearing no.5554 of 2021
91 GANPAT STEEL Indian Oil Corporation Limited 05-Nov-2019 20-Sep-2022 19-Dec-2020 Appellate Authority has decided to condone remaining period of Holiday listing of the Appellant, M/s Ganpat Steel, with effect from the date of this order.
92 SOUDARSHINI VALVE PRIVATE LIMITED Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 30-Jun-2023 31-Dec-2023 03-Jan-2024 Revoked by CA
93 KRISHNA CHANDRA DHAR Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 31-May-2021 31-May-2023 26-Apr-2021 penal action shall be taken at a later date after approval of competent authority
94 siddhartha sengupta Northern Coalfields Limited||Dudichua Project 27-Jul-2021 25-Jul-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
95 SIDDHARTHA SENGUPTA Northern Coalfields Limited||Dudichua Project 08-Jul-2021 09-Jun-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
96 NARAYAN MUKHERJEE AND CO IndianOil,Refineries,AOD Digboi 15-Jan-2021 11-Jan-2024 24-Aug-2021 As per approval ref no DR/RC/20/21------- Dated 29.07.2021
97 SHANKAR ENTERPRISES IndianOil,Marketing,Uttar Pradesh State Office-1 18-Mar-2021 14-Mar-2024 31-Jan-2022 Internal Approval
98 Vijay Tours & Travels Coal India Limited 12-May-2021 07-May-2023 25-Jul-2022 Banning order has been withdrawn vide the letter reference dated WCL/CGM/Area/E and M/2022-23/146 Dated 21.07.2022 issued by SO E and M Ballarpur Area, WCL, in compliance with Bombay High Court order dated 30.06.2022
99 M/s. S B Enterprises Northern Coalfields Limited 20-Dec-2021 16-Dec-2023 31-Dec-2021 Inadvertently banning has been placed by TIA
100 Sai Shakti JV. Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 12-Mar-2021 10-Mar-2023 16-Dec-2021 AS PER THE COMMUNICATION OF SO EnM BHARATPUR AREA VIDE LETTER NO.532 DTD02.12.2021
101 SANJAY KUMAR SINGH Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 12-Mar-2021 10-Mar-2023 16-Dec-2021 AS PER THE COMMUNICATION OF SO EnM BHARATPUR AREA VIDE LETTER NO.532 DTD02.12.2021
102 R.R. ELECTRICAL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 15-Apr-2021 13-Apr-2023 07-Jul-2021 Revoked for extending the debarment period
103 R.R. ELECTRICAL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 07-Jul-2021 29-Jun-2023 07-Jul-2021 Revoked for extending the debarment period
104 M/S ENTERPRISES Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 23-Jul-2021 21-Jul-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
105 SULOCHANA PRADHAN Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,TALCHER AREA,TALCH_CIVIL,CIVIL 25-Nov-2021 06-Sep-2023 18-Jan-2022 To extend the debarment period
106 M/s. S B Enterprises Northern Coalfields Limited 20-Dec-2021 16-Dec-2023 31-Dec-2021 Inadvertently banning has been placed by TIA
107 Rakesh Kumar Sahoo Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,BHARATPUR AREA,BHART_CIVIL,CIVIL 29-Dec-2021 29-Dec-2023 15-Feb-2022 For imposition of new debarment, vide Letter No. CMS/NSCH/CHA/S(C)/2021-22/1178, Dtd.11/02/2022 of SO(C), NSCH, CH Area, MCL
108 RAKESH KUMAR SAHOO Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,BHARATPUR AREA,BHART_CIVIL,CIVIL 29-Dec-2021 29-Dec-2023 15-Feb-2022 For imposition of new debarment, vide Letter No. CMS/NSCH/CHA/S(C)/2021-22/1178, Dtd.11/02/2022 of SO(C), NSCH, CH Area, MCL
109 RAKESH KUMAR SAHOO Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,BHARATPUR AREA,BHART_CIVIL,CIVIL 29-Dec-2021 28-Dec-2023 15-Feb-2022 For imposition of new debarment, vide Letter No. CMS/NSCH/CHA/S(C)/2021-22/1178, Dtd.11/02/2022 of SO(C), NSCH, CH Area, MCL
110 SANJAY KUMAR SINGH Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 12-Mar-2021 10-Mar-2023 16-Dec-2021 AS PER THE COMMUNICATION OF SO EnM BHARATPUR AREA VIDE LETTER NO.532 DTD02.12.2021
111 M/S ENTERPRISES Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 23-Jul-2021 21-Jul-2023 11-Nov-2021 TO EXTEND THE DEBARMENT PERIOD
112 R.R. ELECTRICAL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 15-Apr-2021 13-Apr-2023 07-Jul-2021 Revoked for extending the debarment period
113 JHUNU SAHOO Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,HINGULA AREA,HING_CIVIL,CIVIL 11-Jun-2021 07-Jun-2023 10-May-2022 Change in Debarment criteria as per Letter No.MCL/GM(HA)/SO(C)/Termination/2022-23/353, Dtd 06/05/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Hingula Area, MCL
114 R.R. ELECTRICAL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 07-Jul-2021 29-Jun-2023 07-Jul-2021 Revoked for extending the debarment period
115 JHUNU SAHOO Mahanadi Coalfields Limited,HINGULA AREA,HING_CIVIL,CIVIL 11-Jun-2021 07-Jun-2023 10-May-2022 Change in Debarment criteria as per Letter No.MCL/GM(HA)/SO(C)/Termination/2022-23/353, Dtd 06/05/2022 of Staff Officer(Civil), Hingula Area, MCL
116 VIKASH KUMAR AGRAWAL Mahanadi Coalfields Limited 13-May-2021 12-May-2023 07-Jul-2021 Revoked for extending the debarment period
117 COMPULINKS IndianOil,Pipelines 05-Feb-2020 14-Mar-2023 02-Sep-2021 Republish Debarment Type as Against portal
118 Compulinks IndianOil,Pipelines 05-Feb-2020 14-Mar-2023 02-Sep-2021 Republish Debarment Type as Against portal
119 PRODYUT KR MUKHERJEE IndianOil,Marketing,Bihar State Office 12-Feb-2020 23-Dec-2022 12-Feb-2020 bidder has been debarred against Organization WHICH SHOULD BE AGAINST PORTAL AS PER TENDER RULES AND MAIL DATED 12.02.2020 FROM COIS TENDER TEAM
120 IRCLASS Systems and Solutions Private Limited IndianOil,Refineries,Panipat Refinery 27-Jan-2021 26-Jan-2024 07-Dec-2021 Period of Holiday Listing reduced from 3 years to 1 year.
121 NARAYAN MUKHERJEE AND CO IndianOil,Refineries,AOD Digboi 15-Jan-2021 11-Jan-2024 24-Aug-2021 As per approval ref no DR/RC/20/21------- Dated 29.07.2021
122 Arun Excello Urban Infrastructure Pvt Ltd IndianOil,Refineries,Gujarat Refinery 16-Dec-2021 09-Dec-2022 11-Feb-2022 PERIOD INCORRECT.
123 IRCLASS Systems And Solutions Pvt Ltd IndianOil,Refineries,Panipat Refinery 27-Jan-2021 26-Jan-2024 07-Dec-2021 Period of Holiday Listing reduced from 3 years to 1 year.
124 R P PANDEY IndianOil,Marketing,Western Region Office 22-Jan-2021 20-Jan-2024 05-Feb-2020 Republish Debarment Type as Against portal
125 IRCLASS SYSTEMS AND SOLUTIONS PRIVATE LIMITED IndianOil,Refineries,Panipat Refinery 27-Jan-2021 26-Jan-2024 07-Dec-2021 Period of Holiday Listing reduced from 3 years to 1 year.
127 DelVal Flow Controls Pvt Ltd IndianOil,Marketing 01-Apr-2021 30-Mar-2023 18-May-2021 Approval from ED I/c (Engg and Pj) ,HO was obtained for de listing of M/s Del Val Flow Control from holiday listing.
128 DELVAL FLOW CONTROLS PVT. LTD. IndianOil,Marketing 01-Apr-2021 30-Mar-2023 18-May-2021 Approval from ED I/c (Engg and Pj) ,HO was obtained for de listing of M/s Del Val Flow Control from holiday listing.
129 Delval Flow Controls Pvt Ltd IndianOil,Marketing 01-Apr-2021 30-Mar-2023 18-May-2021 Approval from ED I/c (Engg and Pj) ,HO was obtained for de listing of M/s Del Val Flow Control from holiday listing.
130 JANTA ENGINEERS & CO. (IRON) IndianOil,Refineries,Panipat Refinery 08-Mar-2021 07-Mar-2024 06-Feb-2020 Debarred under wrong scope
131 Delval Flow Controls. Pvt. Ltd. IndianOil,Marketing 01-Apr-2021 30-Mar-2023 18-May-2021 Approval from ED I/c (Engg and Pj) ,HO was obtained for de listing of M/s Del Val Flow Control from holiday listing.
132 M/s RANJEET KUMAR IndianOil,Marketing,Southern Region and Tamilnadu State Office 30-Mar-2021 28-Mar-2024 30-Mar-2021 RCC SR has also Blacklisted_Holiday listed M_S Ranjeet Kumar for three 3 years w.e.f. 29.03.2021. The Period of Holiday listing 29.03.2021 to 28.03.2024.
133 SAI VIKAS ENTERPRISES IndianOil,Marketing,Southern Region and Tamilnadu State Office 30-Mar-2021 25-Mar-2024 30-Mar-2021 RCC SR has also blacklisted M_S SAI VIKAS ENTERPRISE till 25.03.2024. So posting Revocation for Fresh Debarment till 25.03.2024
134 Roop Rajat Transport Co. IndianOil,Marketing,Northern Region Office 27-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 04-Mar-2022 As per recommendation of committee vide approval ref In-Principle Approval/1000/EN00/2021-2022/22412 dtd 17.02.2022 approved by ED(RS) NR on 25.02.2022
135 MAHAVEER TANKERS IndianOil,Marketing,Northern Region Office 27-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 04-Mar-2022 As per recommendation of committee vide approval ref In-Principle Approval/1000/EN00/2021-2022/22412 dtd 17.02.2022 approved by ED(RS) NR on 25.02.2022
136 ROOP RAJAT TRANSPORT CO IndianOil,Marketing,Northern Region Office 27-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 04-Mar-2022 As per recommendation of committee vide approval ref In-Principle Approval/1000/EN00/2021-2022/22412 dtd 17.02.2022 approved by ED(RS) NR on 25.02.2022
137 Mahaveer Tankers IndianOil,Marketing,Northern Region Office 27-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 04-Mar-2022 As per recommendation of committee vide approval ref In-Principle Approval/1000/EN00/2021-2022/22412 dtd 17.02.2022 approved by ED(RS) NR on 25.02.2022
138 LALITA DEVI PATEL IndianOil,Marketing,Northern Region Office 27-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 04-Mar-2022 As per recommendation of committee vide approval ref In-Principle Approval/1000/EN00/2021-2022/22412 dtd 17.02.2022 approved by ED(RS) NR on 25.02.2022
139 Delval Flow Controls Pvt. Ltd. IndianOil,Marketing 01-Apr-2021 30-Mar-2023 18-May-2021 Approval from ED I/c (Engg and Pj) ,HO was obtained for de listing of M/s Del Val Flow Control from holiday listing.
140 Genesis IndianOil,Marketing,Odisha State Office 17-Jul-2020 30-Jun-2023 18-Jul-2020 Modification
141 3S Security Services IndianOil,Marketing,IBP Kolkata 21-Jul-2020 14-Jul-2023 22-Jul-2020 Mistake in procedure
142 JANTA ENGINEERS AND CO. (IRON) IndianOil,Refineries,Panipat Refinery 08-Mar-2021 07-Mar-2024 06-Feb-2020 Debarred under wrong scope
143 DelVal flow controls Pvt Ltd IndianOil,Marketing 01-Apr-2021 30-Mar-2023 18-May-2021 Approval from ED I/c (Engg and Pj) ,HO was obtained for de listing of M/s Del Val Flow Control from holiday listing.
144 Goldmine Advertising Ltd. IndianOil,Marketing 17-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 07-Jul-2022 Upon review by Appellate Authority.
145 Goldmine Advertising Limited IndianOil,Marketing 17-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 07-Jul-2022 Upon review by Appellate Authority.
146 M/S LADU SINGH RAWAT IndianOil,Marketing,Northern Region Office 22-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 04-Mar-2022 As per recommendation of committee vide approval ref In-Principle Approval/1000/EN00/2021-2022/22412 dtd 17.02.2022 approved by ED(RS) NR on 25.02.2022
147 M/S LADU SINGH RAWAT IndianOil,Marketing,Northern Region Office 22-Dec-2021 15-Dec-2022 04-Mar-2022 As per recommendation of committee vide approval ref In-Principle Approval/1000/EN00/2021-2022/22412 dtd 17.02.2022 approved by ED(RS) NR on 25.02.2022
148 M/S A.R. ENGINEERING COMPANY, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited 06-Jan-2016 31-Dec-2029 03-Apr-2023 As per attachment
149 M/S PERMIAN PEAK OIL PRIVATE LIMITED, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited 08-Jun-2023 07-Jun-2025 07-Dec-2023 As per attachment
150 GOPAL TEKNOCON PVT LTD Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 20-Sep-2021 19-Sep-2024 02-May-2024 approved by CA
151 M/S SPECTRON ENGINEERS PRIVATE LIMITED Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited 09-Jan-2024 08-Jan-2025 19-Mar-2024 As per High Court Order
152 KUNJ FORGINGS PVT LTD. Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 01-Nov-2018 30-Sep-2026 02-May-2024 Revoked by CA
153 CHLORIDE POWER SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS LIMITED Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 10-Mar-2021 30-Sep-2026 02-May-2024 Revoked by CA
154 CHLORIDE POWER SYSTEMS & SOLUTIONS LIMITED Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 10-Mar-2021 31-Dec-2022 02-May-2024 Revoked by CA
155 PEE INDUSTRIAL VALVES PVT. LTD Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 20-Nov-2019 30-Sep-2026 02-May-2024 Revoked by CA
156 M/S AKHIL AHMED CONTRACTOR Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 10-Jan-2023 09-Jan-2025 30-Sep-2024 DUPLICATE
157 M/S. VALVE TECH INDUSTRIES Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 16-Feb-2023 15-Feb-2026 30-Sep-2024 Duplicate copy
158 M/S N.G. GADHYIA Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 17-Mar-2022 16-Mar-2025 30-Sep-2024 DUPLICATE
159 M/S. CABTECH INTERNATIONAL Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 26-Jul-2023 25-Jul-2026 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
160 M/S. HARSH CONSTRUCTION Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 16-Aug-2017 31-Dec-2029 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
161 M/S. RUBBER GENERATING & PROCESSING COMPANY Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 26-Jul-2023 25-Jul-2026 30-Sep-2024 Duplicate
162 M/S. FENT EPC PROJECTS Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 29-Mar-2022 28-Mar-2025 30-Sep-2024 DUPLICATE COPY
163 M/S. P.J.CONSTRUCTION Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 16-Aug-2017 31-Dec-2029 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
164 M/S. JECON ENGINEERS PVT LTD Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 24-May-2022 23-May-2025 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
165 M/S. SATISH ENTERPRISES Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 09-Aug-2017 31-Dec-2029 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
166 M/S. GABRIEL INTELLIGENCE MANPOWER SERVICES Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 30-Dec-2022 29-Dec-2025 30-Sep-2024 DUPLICATE COPY
167 M/S. NAND NEEL ENGG. SERVICES Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 10-Jul-2017 31-Dec-2029 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
168 M/S. SUNSHRI ENTERPRISES Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 09-Aug-2017 31-Dec-2029 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
169 M/S. VIJAY CONSTRUCTION Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 16-Aug-2017 31-Dec-2029 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
170 M/S.YASHWANT AGRAWAL & CO Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 28-Oct-2016 31-Dec-2029 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
171 SHILPI ENGINEERING PVT. LTD. Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 13-Sep-2023 12-Sep-2026 30-Sep-2024 Refer attached document
172 M/S. ADD ECESSORIES Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited 10-Oct-2024 09-Oct-2025 10-Oct-2024 duplicate
173 C&S ELECTRIC LIMITED Engineers India Limited,MoPNG 12-Aug-2021 07-Aug-2024 08-Nov-2024 Revoked by competent authority of EIL