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Total Tenders : 526
Sl.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title/Ref.No./Tender Id Organisation Name Corrigendum
511. 07-Oct-2023 03:00 PM 27-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 28-Feb-2025 03:00 PM Rehabilitation and Upgradation of Nehru Nagar to Kothagudem Section to Two Lane Four Lane with Paved Shoulders from Km 178.500 to Km 230.580 of NH 930P in the State of Telangana on EPC Basis/RW/HYD/Misc-28/NIT/2023-24/009 dt 07.10.2023/2023_MoRTH_775194_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways icon image
512. 07-Oct-2023 03:00 PM 27-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 28-Feb-2025 03:00 PM Construction of Iconic Hybrid Cable Stayed and Suspension Bridge Across Krishna River on NH 167K Design Chainage km 87.360 to km 88.437 in the States of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh on EPC Basis/RW/HYD/Misc-28/NIT/2023-24/007 dt 07.10.2023/2023_MoRTH_775191_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways icon image
513. 29-Sep-2023 06:55 PM 28-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 03-Mar-2025 03:00 PM RFP for the Rehabilitation and Upgradation of Pratapgarh - Sultanpur Road section of NH-330, from design Chainage km 53.00 to km 96.417 to four lane with paved shoulder divided carriageway flexible pavement in the state of Uttar Pradesh on EPC mode./CE-RO/LKO/NH(O)/18/ NH-330/2022-23 dt.29.09.2023/2023_MoRTH_774157_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways icon image
514. 15-Sep-2023 05:00 PM 05-Mar-2025 04:00 PM 06-Mar-2025 11:00 AM Construction of Four Lane with paved shoulder of Bhagalpur Kharhara Village (Dhaka More) from Km 0.000 to KM 36.600 (Total length 36.600 Km) of NH-133E in the State of Bihar on EPC mode/RW/PAT/NH133E/Bhaglpur73/22-23/2023_MoRTH_771865_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways icon image
515. 31-Aug-2023 06:00 PM 20-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 21-Feb-2025 03:30 PM Development Operation and MMLP Park MMLP at Sri Satya Sai Anantapur District in Andhra Pradesh through PPP on DBFOT basis./NHLML/ MMLP/ ANANTAPUR/ 2023/2023_NHAI_166294_1 National Highways Authority of India icon image
516. 23-Aug-2023 04:00 PM 27-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 28-Feb-2025 03:00 PM Rehabilitation and Up gradation of Thorrur to Nehru Nagar Section to Two Lane with Paved Shoulders from Km 109.420 to Km 178.500 of NH 930P in the State of Telangana/RW/HYD/Misc-28/NIT/2023-24/006 dt 23.08.2023/2023_MoRTH_768186_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways icon image
517. 11-Aug-2023 05:00 PM 22-Feb-2025 05:00 PM 24-Feb-2025 04:00 PM Widening and reconstruction of NH-522 (old NH-100) from Km 0 to Km 48 to 4-lane with paved shoulder under Giridih and Hazaribagh districts in the state of Jharkhand under EPC mode./RW/Ranchi/AP-17/2022-23/2023_MoRTH_766656_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways icon image
518. 03-Aug-2023 05:20 PM 19-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 20-Feb-2025 11:30 AM Construction of 4 laning Greenfield corridor from Suara (Sasaram) at Ch. 0.000 to Garhani (at SH-12) at Ch 74.432 Package-1 of Patna-Arrah-Sasaram corridor of NH-119A in the State of Bihar on HAM Mode/NHAI/Tech/BH/Patna-arrha Sasaram/Pkg1/Proc/2023/2023_NHAI_163301_1 National Highways Authority of India icon image
519. 03-Aug-2023 09:00 AM 22-Feb-2025 05:00 PM 24-Feb-2025 04:00 PM Construction of 4 lane with Paved Shoulders Chaibasa Bypass (Putida village to Raghunathpur village) from Existing Km 136.644 to Existing Km 150.640 (Design Ch 0.000 to Design Ch18.045 ) section of NH-75E in the state of Jharkhand./RW/Ranchi/AP-18/2022-23/JHR/2023_MoRTH_765022_1 Ministry of Road Transport and Highways icon image
520. 15-Jun-2023 06:30 PM 13-Feb-2025 03:00 PM 14-Feb-2025 03:30 PM Development Operation and Maintenance of Ropeway from Brahmagiri to Anjaneri Hills at Nashik in the State of Maharashtra on Hybrid Annuity Mode./NHAI/Ropeways/Nashik/2023/2023_NHAI_157655_1 National Highways Authority of India icon image