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Total Tenders : 522
Sl.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title/Ref.No./Tender Id Organisation Name Corrigendum
521. 10-Oct-2022 06:00 PM 07-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 10-Feb-2025 11:30 AM 4 or 6 laning of Karakkunnu to Vazahayoor section of NH 966 from km. 87.930 to km. 113.000 in the State of Kerala on Hybrid Annuity mode under Bharatmala/NHAI/11014/KL/Karakkunnu Vazahayoor/2022 Proc/2022_NHAI_131529_1 National Highways Authority of India icon image
522. 03-Oct-2022 06:00 PM 07-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 10-Feb-2025 11:30 AM 4 or 6 lanning of Vazahayoor to Iringaullur section of NH966 (greenfield ICR34) from km.113.000 to km.121.006 in the State of Kerala in HAM mode under Bharatmala/NHAI/12013/Vazahayoor Iringaullur/2022/2022_NHAI_130962_1 National Highways Authority of India icon image