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Total Tenders : 522
Sl.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title/Ref.No./Tender Id Organisation Name Corrigendum
81. 17-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 24-Jan-2025 04:00 PM 25-Jan-2025 04:00 PM E-BID for Selection of SIs ,other Companies for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and OM for Bihar State Wide Area Network, Version3.0 on Turnkey Basis at SHQ, DHQ, BHQ, Panchayat ,other offices in Bihar./50-348/EB/BR/Tender-BSWAN 3.0/2024-25/11 Dated at Patna the 16/01/2025/2025_BSNL_224135_1 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (Govt of India Enterprise) --
82. 17-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 30-Jan-2025 11:00 AM 31-Jan-2025 11:30 AM Engagement of user fee agency on the basis of CB through etender Pokhraira FP at km 54.350 for the section from km 1.300 to km 74.349 of NH -722 (old NH-102) in Bihar/NHAI/13013/547/CO/23-24/ CB/Pokharia FP/2025_NHAI_224143_1 National Highways Authority of India --
83. 16-Jan-2025 07:01 PM 06-Feb-2025 02:30 PM 06-Feb-2025 03:00 PM Comprehensive AMC of Surveillance Systems Installed at IGL locations for a period of one year/IGL/ET2/CP/CC18282/69 Indraprastha Gas Limited --
84. 16-Jan-2025 06:55 PM 04-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 05-Feb-2025 11:00 AM Operation, Maintenance and Providing Civil and Electrical maintenance including Facility Management Services for Office and or Residential Complex at Nigahi Area for Six months/NGH/C/24-25/ETN-58 dated 16.01.2025/2025_NCL_326016_1 Northern Coalfields Limited --
85. 16-Jan-2025 05:52 PM 18-Mar-2025 10:30 AM 18-Mar-2025 10:30 AM Survey, Design, Supply, foundation, fabrication, erection, Testing & Commissioning of Towers in connection with Installation of Kavach on Ranital-Duvvada section of East Coast Railway./SNTPBBS-022025-LTE/79578707 Ministry of Railways --
86. 16-Jan-2025 05:45 PM 14-Feb-2025 02:15 PM 14-Feb-2025 02:15 PM BRAKE DISC FOR AXLE MOUNTED BRAKE SYSTEM/03242944/106577082 Ministry of Railways --
87. 16-Jan-2025 05:45 PM 29-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 30-Jan-2025 05:00 PM NIT for Hiring of Agency for Work Contract to Provide Security and Ancillary Services during Various Examinations across the State of Rajasthan/REIL/IT/NIT/2024-25/24009/2025_REIL_844815_1 Rajasthan Electronics and Instruments Limited icon image
88. 16-Jan-2025 05:20 PM 04-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 04-Feb-2025 11:30 AM Appointment of Consultant for Preparation of Feasibility Report and TechnoCommercial Analysis for Domestic Manufacturing Safe Laying and Maintenance of Subsea Cables/GEM/2025/B/5815669/2025_PFCL_785484_1 Power Finance Corporation Limited --
89. 16-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 23-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 24-Jan-2025 03:00 PM Supply of Armed Security Guards/AAI/ER/CNS/KT-5/DGR/2025-27//2025_AAI_223830_1 Airports Authority of India --
90. 16-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 13-Feb-2025 11:00 AM 14-Feb-2025 11:30 AM Four laning of Kolhapur Sangli section of NH-166 from Sangli Phata (km 0.00) to Chokak (km 7.738) and Chokak (km 145.300) to Ankali (km 171.171) (DL 33.609 km in Maharashtra to be executed on HAM under NH (O)./NHAI/Tech/MH/ Sangli Kolhapur /2025/2025_NHAI_224122_1 National Highways Authority of India icon image