Central - Tenders Closing for a specific Date

Report For Day : 25-Jan-2025

Total Tenders : 507
Sl.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title/Ref.No./Tender Id State Name Corrigendum
1. 11-Jan-2025 12:23 PM 25-Jan-2025 12:00 AM 25-Jan-2025 12:30 AM TENDER FOR NRO CONSTRUCTION WORKS AT VILLAGE NANDORI/1000429837/2025_BPCL_19417 Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited --
2. 27-Dec-2024 04:00 PM 25-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 27-Jan-2025 09:00 AM Design supply installation testing and commissioning of IP Based CCTV Surveillance System along with associated works at Gwalior AFS under Madhya Pradesh State Office/WRCC/2024-25/PT/546/2024_WRO_182825_1 IndianOil icon image
3. 06-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 25-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 27-Jan-2025 09:00 AM Construction of Block 218 at NRB BARC Tarapur/BARCT/NRB/INRPO/TRP45/2024/505/2025_NRB_842678_1 Nuclear Recycle Board --
4. 15-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 25-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 25-Jan-2025 09:30 AM UPGRADATION OF STADIUM AT CHAGLAGAM, DIST ANJAW (ARUNACHAL PRADESH)/A/SAD/2MD/181MB/24/24-25/2024_ARMY_679403_2 IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC) --
5. 04-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 25-Jan-2025 09:00 AM 27-Jan-2025 09:00 AM REGISTRATION OF VENDOR FOR SUPPLY OF LOCAL PURCHASE OF MED STORE UNDER PRICE AGREEMENT FOR FY2025-26/3AFH/401/02/MED (TY BM-III)/2025_IAF_783986_1 Indian Air Force --
6. 03-Jan-2025 06:30 PM 25-Jan-2025 09:30 AM 27-Jan-2025 11:30 AM Special repairs and painting of operational area boundary wall at Bhavnagar Airport./AAI/BHAV/Civil/SRBWALL/2024-25/2025_AAI_222509_1 Airports Authority of India --
7. 06-Jan-2025 04:47 PM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM CSK SCREW M10 X 25mm etc./31245624/106572159 Ministry of Railways --
8. 06-Jan-2025 05:03 PM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM BRACKET FOR LHB COACHES etc./31245282A/106572205 Ministry of Railways --
9. 13-Jan-2025 12:43 PM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM HP 600 G9 Desktop PC preloaded with Windows/LH246080B/106578257 Ministry of Railways --
10. 28-Dec-2024 01:13 PM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM 25-Jan-2025 10:30 AM Spring retainer and Spring retainer pin/84241123A/106565297 Ministry of Railways --