Central -Tenders Closing Today

Total Tenders : 99
Sl.No e-Published Date Bid Submission Closing Date Tender Opening Date Title/Ref.No./Tender Id State Name Corrigendum
41. 31-Dec-2024 12:45 PM 19-Jan-2025 12:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 12:00 PM Periodic renewal of existing stretch of Amritsar Mehta Sri Hargobindpur Tanda Hoshiarpur Una section of NH 503A from km 113.925 to km 118.975 and shoulder filling from km 118.975 to km 133.975 and Construction of retaining wall at km 131.975/01/2024-25/ASR-HSR-UNA/2024_NHAI_222142_1 National Highways Authority of India icon image
42. 02-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 19-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 03:00 PM Request for Proposal for/CGM/CNTX-S/CNI/MM/RFP /VSAT Works JandK/24-25 Dated 02.01.2025/2025_BSNL_222456_1 Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (Govt of India Enterprise) icon image
43. 12-Jan-2025 05:45 PM 19-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 19-Jan-2025 01:30 PM DRUGS AND PHARMACEUTICALS/606/2/M-2/DGLP/RE-53/2024-25 Dt 11/01/2025/2025_ARMY_692971_1 IHQ of MoD (Army)-(OSCC) --
44. 30-Dec-2024 05:00 PM 19-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 01:00 PM Procurement of spares for AAS 900T/D-45012/6/2023 GSISUPHHP/2024_GSI_840817_1 Geological Survey of India --
45. 20-Dec-2024 11:30 AM 19-Jan-2025 01:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 01:00 PM SUPPLY, INSTALLATION TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF HIGH PRESSURE CELL/TISSUE HOMOGENIZER/IICB/PUR/24-25/599/648/283/2024_CSIR_220543_1 Council of Scientific and Industrial Research --
46. 13-Jan-2025 02:30 PM 19-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 02:30 PM 4/OS/PRODN/NSC-CHN/2024-25/9/4/OS/PRODN/NSC-CHN/2024-25/9/2025_DACO_785049_1 Department of Agriculture and Cooperation --
47. 27-Dec-2024 01:00 PM 19-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 02:30 PM White washing/painting/Outer apex in the Block A B C D Type IV quarters and Internal External finishing Lower lab Office raining at Lower lab Kanlog Shimla/F.No.2-82/2024/WC//2024_DARE_841637_1 Department of Agricultural Research and Education --
48. 27-Dec-2024 01:00 PM 19-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 02:30 PM C/o treatment channel and soak pit at CPRI Kufri Shimla/F.No.2-81/2024/W and C//2024_DARE_841628_1 Department of Agricultural Research and Education --
49. 07-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 19-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 03:00 PM 1. Fabrication and Supply of showcase notice board with electrification.Fabrication and Supply of Steel (CR Sheet) Locker cupboard with Individual Locks for each shelf with handles/NRB/FF/GEN/7/FRFS/2024/113/2025_NRB_843145_1 Nuclear Recycle Board --
50. 09-Jan-2025 05:00 PM 19-Jan-2025 02:00 PM 20-Jan-2025 02:00 PM Infrastructure security maintainance/WSCN/TECH/5(18)/Vol.V/1/2025_DCHL_843639_1 Development Commissioner for Handlooms --