केंद्रीय - आज बंद होने वाली निविदाएं

कुल निविदाएं : 3639
क्र.सं. ई-प्रकाशन तिथि बोली जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि निविदा खुलने की तिथि शीर्षक/संदर्भ संख्या/निविदा आईडी राज्य का नाम शुद्धिपत्र
1. 09-Jan-2025 03:55 PM 27-Jan-2025 12:15 AM 27-Jan-2025 12:30 AM Providing Surge Protection Device for Main LT panel for Studio and office and RCCBs for SDBs in office block at AIR Tirunelveli/09/AE(E)/TVM/2024-25/2025_PrasarBharati_25776 Prasar Bharati, Broadcasting Corporation of India icon image
2. 17-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 03:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM SUPPLY OF GIFTS FOR FOUNDATION DAY/1090LM0306/20990 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
3. 15-Jan-2025 06:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 03:01 AM SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF ELECTRICAL WORKS & PEB ROOF MOUNTED 150 KWP SOLAR PLANT AT DELHI ROAD, SERAMPORE, WEST BENGAL/BL/LS/KOL/3PL/24-25/04R/20978 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
4. 17-Jan-2025 12:01 PM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM Supply of wall mounting BLDC fan at Kolkata Plant/GLK/TE24/169/20983 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
5. 17-Jan-2025 03:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 05:01 AM RENOVATION OF EXISTING BUILDING/0100LE2924/20985 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
6. 22-Jan-2025 05:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM Outsourcing Job for performing various activities as defined in detail description of the tender at our plant/GLK/TE24/176/21018 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
7. 21-Jan-2025 06:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM Construction of temporary boundary wall and other allied works at Balmer Lawrie, Silvassa/GLS/TE24/071/21010 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
8. 17-Jan-2025 05:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM Tender for Supply of Gluteraldehyde/BL/LC/MAN/GLUT/LT/202425/0238/20991 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
9. 17-Jan-2025 04:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 05:01 AM 27-Jan-2025 04:01 AM PROVIDING FOOD FOR FOUNDATION DAY/1090LM0305/20989 Balmer Lawrie and Company Limited --
10. 10-Jan-2025 10:00 AM 27-Jan-2025 08:00 AM 27-Jan-2025 08:00 AM M R HISAR SA/2400018554-HB-07018/129853 Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited icon image