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Total Bid(s) : 34407
Sl.No Bid Start Date Bid End Date Bid Number/Total Quantity Product Category Organisation Name Department Name
1. 18-Jul-2022 04:05 PM 18-Aug-2025 09:00 AM GEM/2022/B/2356705/10 Custom Bid for Services - 10 Indian Navy Department of Military Affairs
2. 10-Oct-2024 08:25 AM 28-Feb-2025 09:00 AM GEM/2024/B/5490596/1 AutomationTestCategory_DoNotUse Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE)
3. 24-Oct-2024 07:32 AM 31-Mar-2025 02:00 PM GEM/2024/B/5539758/1 AutomationTestCategory_DoNotUse Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE)
4. 12-Nov-2024 07:52 AM 28-Feb-2025 11:00 AM GEM/2024/B/5597339/1 AutomationTestCategory_DoNotUse Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE)
5. 27-Dec-2024 06:21 PM 10-Feb-2025 07:00 PM GEM/2024/B/5756154/1 Mine Development & Operations Service - Revenue Sharing Basis - Open Cast, Under-Ground Mining, Highwall production, Reopen salvage rehabilitate develop construct and operate for excavation extraction of coal from Amalgamated East Bhuggatdih Simlabah.. Bharat Coking Coal Limited COAL INDIA LIMITED
6. 30-Dec-2024 11:10 AM 13-Feb-2025 02:00 PM GEM/2024/B/5717187/48300 SUPPLY OF MACHINED STAINLESS STEEL RODS OF DIA 152+ 1.0/-0 MM X 1020+ 10/-0 MM LENGTH AS PER ANNEX,MACHINED STAINLESS STEEL RODS OF DIA 115+ 1.0/-0 MM X 1000+ 10/-0 MM LENGTH,MACHINED STAINLESS STEEL RODS OF DIA 90+ 1.0/-0 MM X 510+ 5/-0 MM LENGTH,MACHINED STAINLESS STEEL RODS OF DIA 68+ 0.5/-0 MM X 1300+ 0/-10 MM LENGTH Directorate of Purchase and Stores Department of Atomic Energy
7. 30-Dec-2024 05:20 PM 11-Feb-2025 03:00 PM GEM/2024/B/5765344/1 OZONE TEST CHAMBER Armoured Vehicles Nigam Limited Department of Defence Production
8. 31-Dec-2024 09:32 AM 14-Feb-2025 02:00 PM GEM/2024/B/5621044/50 FabricationInspectionTestingSupply of FUEL PIN MAGAZINEasperTechSpecAnnexAttachedandApprovedDrawings Directorate of Purchase and Stores Department of Atomic Energy
9. 31-Dec-2024 09:53 AM 14-Feb-2025 10:00 AM GEM/2024/B/5728857/24 AIR DROPPABLE SURVIVAL AND RESCUE KIT (SARK) (PT. NO. 1406-00) Indian Navy Department of Military Affairs
10. 31-Dec-2024 10:03 AM 14-Feb-2025 10:00 AM GEM/2024/B/5600800/8 3200-23,423785,2030467-001,JMP CFM56 D 4777 C200,9744836 Indian Navy Department of Military Affairs