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Total Bid(s) : 31401
Sl.No Bid Start Date Bid End Date Bid Number/Total Quantity Product Category Organisation Name Department Name
61. 07-Jan-2025 04:38 PM 21-Feb-2025 12:00 PM GEM/2025/B/5788552/1 SEAM WELDING MACHINE Indian Air Force Department of Military Affairs
62. 08-Jan-2025 07:08 AM 08-Feb-2025 09:00 AM GEM/2025/B/5792602/26595 Potato for delivery at SD Dehradun,Onion for delivery at SD Dehradun,Limequick for delivery at SD Dehradun,Potato for delivery at IMA Dehradun,Onion for delivery at IMA Dehradun Indian Army Department of Military Affairs
63. 08-Jan-2025 09:03 AM 07-Feb-2025 09:00 AM GEM/2025/B/5792637/1 CNC Simulator N/A Technical Education Department Chhattisgarh
64. 08-Jan-2025 09:24 AM 21-Feb-2025 02:00 PM GEM/2024/B/5761757/30000 ITEM 1 - Manufacturing, testing, packing, supply and delivery of SFA 5.9 ER308L Dia. 1.6mm IGC Pr A and C as technical specification annexure attached,ITEM 2 Manufacturing, testing, packing, supply and delivery of SFA 5.9 ER308L Dia. 2 mm IGC Pr A and C as technical specification annexure attached,ITEM 3 Manufacturing, testing, packing, supply and delivery of SFA 5.9 ER308L Dia. 2.4 mm IGC Pr A and C as technical specification annexure attached,ITEM 4 Manufacturing, testing, packing, supply and delivery of SFA 5.9 ER309L Dia. 1.6 mm as technical specification annexure attached,ITEM 5 Manufacturing, testing, packing, supply and delivery of SFA 5.9 ER309L Dia. 2 mm as technical specification annexure attached,ITEM 6 Manufacturing, testing, packing, supply and delivery of SFA 5.9 ER309L Dia. 2.4 mm as technical specification annexure attached,ITEM 7 Manufacturing, testing, packing, supply and delivery of SFA 5.4 E308L-16 Dia. 2.5 mm IGC Pr A and C as technical specification annexure attached,ITEM 8 Manufacturing Directorate of Purchase and Stores Department of Atomic Energy
65. 08-Jan-2025 09:45 AM 10-Feb-2025 10:00 AM GEM/2025/B/5788637/1 BILLET TURNING LATHE Yantra India Limited Department of Defence Production
66. 08-Jan-2025 10:12 AM 11-Feb-2025 10:00 AM GEM/2025/B/5791728/1 PROFILE TURNING MACHINE Yantra India Limited Department of Defence Production
67. 08-Jan-2025 11:12 AM 07-Feb-2025 12:00 PM GEM/2025/B/5793691/2 E - Cart for Garbage (V2) N/A Urban Development Department Chhattisgarh
68. 08-Jan-2025 11:19 AM 07-Feb-2025 06:00 PM GEM/2024/B/5754083/1205 Cooler Fan Motor,Cooler Pump,Cooler Pad Heavy,UNIVERSAL CONVERSAL PLUG 5 AMP 3 PIN,2 core x 1 sq mm shielded cable,Steel Grip Insulation Tape All Colour,18 inch Cooler Fan Blade,Selector switch,One Way Switch Cooler,M Seal,RUNNING CAPACITOR 4 MFD 400 V,Running Capacitor 5 MFD,Running Capacitor 6MFD,COPPER CABLE 3 CORE 4 SQ MM Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) Department of Economic Affairs
69. 08-Jan-2025 11:25 AM 07-Feb-2025 12:00 PM GEM/2025/B/5793465/1 EMS SCADA SYSYTEM OF AFCP-NANGAL National Fertilizers Limited (NFL) Department of Fertilizers
70. 08-Jan-2025 11:32 AM 07-Feb-2025 12:00 PM GEM/2025/B/5793778/1 Online UPS (V2) District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) Rewa School Education Department Madhya Pradesh